Marathon Season is Creeping Up, How Can Compression Socks for Running Help You?

As the weather warms up, runners will start to look to the next race or marathon and begin to plan out their training regimen. One major way to improve training and overall performance leading up to or on actual race day is getting a pair of compression socks. Running can be hard enough as is, but constantly upping mileage to increase endurance, not only cardiovascular but also in your legs is the real challenge. With marathon season coming up, here is how compression socks and running go together hand-in-hand, or in this case, foot-to-sock.
Compression Socks and Running – How the Technology Works
Before going into details of how compression socks specifically can help runners improve performance, it’s important to understand the science behind the design. Compression socks work by compressing the veins, arteries and muscles of the legs and feet. By doing so, blood is forced to circulate through smaller circulatory channels, which enables it to flow back to the heart more quickly. Ultimately, the blood circulation and flow going to and from the limbs is optimized with compression socks. For running, this means that more oxygen is being carried to the main parts that are being used to move you along your running path.
Graduated compression technology is typically incorporated into over-the-calf compression socks. With this design, there is different pressure being applied to different parts of the lower limbs. For example, more compression may be placed around the ankles and then lighten up as the sock moves up the leg towards the heart. This helps to keep swelling down in the feet and work with gravity to create increased blood flow in these concentrated areas.
Helps You Maintain Consistency While Training
A key focus of marathon training is staying consistent. When you’re moving forward towards your target mileage, a rolled ankle or shin splints can take you too many unnecessary steps back in progress. To avoid these setbacks, compression socks for running can help improve circulation so that any injuries, aches or cramping can heal quicker, so you can get back on your feet and running towards your goals.
Combats Negative Side Effects of Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis is commonly experienced by runners that are training consistently and running long distances. The heel pain from running can be excruciating and detrimental in your training progress. Plantar Fasciitis is typically caused by a sharp increase in mileage and speed work, improper shoes, tight calf muscles or Achilles tendon or weak feet or arches. Some of these factors simply can’t be avoided when you’re training for a marathon but they can be assisted by the support from compression socks for running. Not only does the thicker layer of fabric give you extra support when running, it is simultaneously helping to pump more oxygenated blood to your feet. This effect can work to decrease the pain experienced in the heel and arches from Plantar Fasciitis.
Improves Body Temperature Control
Anyone who has ever trained for a race knows that training must go on whatever the weather may be. So if there’s a colder or raining day that hits, keeping your limbs warm is key to avoiding injury or pulled muscles. Compression socks for running can work by not only covering up your lower limbs from cold or wet climates and containing the heat within so your muscles stay warm, they also help to ensure that blood circulation is continually at optimum levels. When there’s blood flowing to your feet, calves and knees, you can avoid the numbing that is often experienced when a lack of blood is flowing to extremities.
Boosts Recovery
While logging miles is crucial for runners to build endurance, proper recovery is just as important. Resting your legs is essential for allowing the body to rejuvenate itself and get stronger. Compression socks can further boost the recovery process. Throw a pair on both during your run so that the impact on your muscles is decreased and then post-run so that optimal blood circulation is still maintained while your body rests. Wearing compression socks post-running session can help to reduce swelling in the legs so you can get back on your feet faster for the next run.
Removes Lactic Acid Buildup
When you run for long periods of time, the body tends to run out of available oxygen that is used to break down glucose for energy. In lieu of oxygen, the body then makes lactate as a way to get energy without oxygen. Lactic acid buildup in your bloodstream often occurs because your body can’t use it as fast as it’s being produced. Having too much can result in muscle fatigue and soreness. Compression socks for running works to counter lactic acid buildup by optimizing oxygenated blood flow to the muscles. When there’s oxygen available for muscles to use as energy there is no need for the body to create lactate.
Train with Compression Socks
Running in a marathon is both challenging and completely rewarding. The journey to race day is a long, tough one. Compression socks can be the support and solution you need to get through every mile. The benefits of wearing them while training, both during your runs and after for quicker recovery and on race day make them a go-to for runners.
PRO Compression is here to help with all your training needs to get you in the best shape to take on marathon day. Our compression socks are designed with graduated compression technology and ensure that you experience optimal blood circulation to your lower limbs. By providing your muscles and feet with plenty of oxygen, you’ll be able to run better, faster and longer, and greatly cut down on recovery time. Try a pair and see for yourself, just how and why compression socks for running can help you achieve your running goals.